

How do I sign up for Goldpay.sg?

  1. Sign up Goldpay.sg saving account, click Sign Up
  2. Sign up as a member as shown in the screenshot and click Register.
  3. Login to your e-mail and click on the link for Verification.
  4. To login to your account, click Login to enter e-mail and password and click Sign in.
  5. Install Google Authenticator on your phone.
  6. Once you login, remember the first thing you need to do is configure the 2FA.
  7. Click Activate.
  8. Use your Google Authenticator app from your mobile and Scan the QR code with your phone camera. Then enter 6 Digit Authentication Code from Google Authenticator and click Activate virtual 2FA.
  9. Congratulations! You have successfully activated 2FA on your account.
  10. Edit profile to enter your address, select bank name, bank account no and image of front bank statement with your full name / company name and bank account number. If you register under company, please attach image of Bizfile certificate.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Double check all your details are correct.

Can I credit my personal gold bar / item into my Goldpay.sg wallet?

We provide trade-in services where customers can come down to any of our offices / shops to convert their Gold and have it credited into their Goldpay.sg wallet which they can then choose to spend or keep as investment.

What is the duration for selling gold?

Upon selling Gold on Goldpay.sg, it will take 2-3 business days for the money to arrive in your bank account. The rate which the customer sells the gold at is locked at the time and date of the sell order.
If you were to sell 1 gram of Gold for $50, you will receive $50 less 0.5% = $49.75 into your bank account of 2-3 business days.

Where can I collect the physical gold bar?

Customers who purchase Gold and wish to collect them physically may schedule an appointment with us to visit our factory. Please note that an 8% GST will be charged for all collections.

Please give us a call at +65 6372 5054, strictly by appointment only.

Factory Address: No. 6 Tagore Drive #B1-07, Tagore Building, Singapore 787623.

Is Goldpay.sg required regulated by Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS")?

  1. Goldpay.sg is NOT required to be licensed or regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS"), nor any other regulators in or outside of Singapore.
  2. In addition, Goldpay.sg is not a financial institution under Singapore law and our P2P gold transfer system classifies us as such. Goldpay.sg is also not a Payment service provider / financial entity. Our role is merely to match Payer's with Receiver's and to provide a framework for this to happen securely while charging a small fee for the service.

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+65 6372 5054